We are a group of parents whose children are attending the Arcore Comprehensive Institute. We are wondering ourselves how we can carry out at best our educational task also in relation to digital education and how to support each other about some choices regarding this topic.
The widespread use of mobile devices not only among us adults but also among the youngest has led us to ask ourselves some questions.
- What is the right age to start using a digital device?
- How long is it right to leave our children in front of a screen?
- How can we let the access to the web and social networks, trying to “satisfy” their digital requests?
- Are we aware of the possible implications on our children’s physical and mental health?
- Are there devices that are more appropriate than others?
The high complexity of the digital era and its impact on children’s growth is one of the biggest challenges for parents. In recent years, numerous professionals (psychotherapists, paediatricians, sociologists) have pointed out the possible presence of risks associated with the early introduction of smartphones and digital screens for personal and free use in terms of possible problems in different cognitive areas, including attention and language. Moreover, a possible association between early use of digital devices and the start of neurodevelopmental problems is becoming more and more spread out (ADHD for example).
Therefore, a shared reflection on digital well-being and security for the establishment of an educational alliance is needed, starting with parents, who nevertheless feel alone and unable to support motivated choices such as delaying the introduction of smartphones, in compare of the risk of “social” isolation of their children (by friends or the class). However, perceiving that these problems are also felt by other parents, makes us feel less alone and it is growing among us the desire to be informed and to equip ourselves with adequate tools to carry out our educational task as best as possible.
Since few years, there have been experiences that aim to develop what is called good digital parenting. We are referring to the “Patti Digitali” (https://pattidigitali.it/) project, promoted by a research center of the Bicocca University, aimed at the creation and development of community rules for the use of technology throughout the country. Thus, it was born the idea of a path for the development of greater digital awareness and responsibility that we have called “Patti digitali arcoresi“, it is aimed to parents of Arcore’s kindergarten, primary and secondary school.
With the support of the School, the Municipality of Arcore, the local associations and in particular the Parents’ Committee (Comitato Genitori):
- To create opportunities for in-depth study and discussion to increase attention, involvement, and awareness of the digital world.
- To acquire digital skills, at school and in the family, to allow boys and girls to safely accompany them in their discovery of the web.
- To create a “pact for parents” or a set of good rules aimed at a responsible use of digital devices.
- To create a network, in terms of not being alone but creating a united community (parents, schools, paediatricians, institutions and other educational contexts), which can team up around families, to succeed in spreading effective strategies for education in the use of new technologies.
To start this journey together, we are asking for your kind cooperation answering to this survey. Responses are anonymous. We are committed to sharing the results of the survey with you and periodically telling you about the evolution of the project described.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
If you would like to discuss or get more details about the project, you can contact the Comitato Genitori (info@pattidigitaliarcoresi.it) or directly to us:
Chiara Aldiri
Marzia Aloise
Lorenzo Bellini
Enrico Capuzzi
Gemma Groppelli
Elisa Lazzaroni
Luca Manni
Virna Parisi
Letizia Rossi
Federica Spreafico
In collaborazione con

Comitato Genitori Arcore

IC Monginevro Arcore

Scuola dell’infanzia DURINI


Nido e 3-6 anni
Con il patrocinio di

Comune di Arcore